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Plaxonic Technologies
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Plaxonic has been a place to shape your dreams. We are a group of innovative people who know the business world is dynamic. As a company we strive on excellence, flexibility and tailor-made solutions Plaxonic Technologies
Address102 Tarpon Ave Tarpon Springs, FL 34689, US
Phone+1 (800) 368-4805
Customer Relationship Management

Our services revolve around customer relationship management. Our team of professionals leaves no stone unturned to make our customers happy. Our global presence is strongly backed up by our 24X7 availability. Virtual Assistant Services 

Corporate Accountability

We have a strong belief that any company is part of the community. Hence, we ensure that any of our practices do not bother our surroundings directly or indirectly. We though always try to improve them to our level best.

Colleagues Cum Companions

All are equal is followed religiously at our place. We have replaced dictation with delegation and authority with responsibility. This has yielded us sweet fruits always.

BPO Companies

Branches and additional offices:
8003684805 102 Tarpon Ave Tarpon Springs, FL 34689, US Plaxonic Technologies
+91-120-4211120 B-10, Sector 59, Noida 201301 India Plaxonic Technologies

Products and Services

Virtual Assistant
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A virtual assistant is not just any service but an art we have gained the competitive advantage at. Apart from hiring the best professionals
Inbound Support Services
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Plaxonic Technologies excels in accepting calls from customers, i. e. inbound and call potential clients to promote products & services